Adult Education
Adults learn too! We offer both weekly and occasional opportunities to grow in faith as adult learners together.
Sunday AM Adult Ed
Sundays at 10:30 AM
The topics and teachers vary, but each session offers something new! Bring your coffee, settle in, and explore a new aspect of our faith life together. Meets in Mygatts (room adjacent to Fellowship Hall).
Wednesday AM Bible Study
Wednesdays at 11 AM
This lively group changes weekly, enjoying a cup of coffee and the chance to dive deeper into God's Word. Join us as we study the upcoming Sunday's preaching texts together, meeting each Wednesday at 11 AM in Mygatts (room adjacent to Fellowship Hall).
Men's Bible Study
First Saturdays of the month at 8 AM
This group welcomes men of all ages who are willing to listen, learn, and share their experiences of faith together. Meets in the Fellowship Hall over home-cooked breakfast!