Worship at MPLC
Worship is at the center of faith life at Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church. We offer three in person worship services per week, as well as live streamed services and a podcast for all those who choose to worship - near and far.
What to Expect
There is a place for you at Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church because we "are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28)
Holy Communion
We celebrate communion at each weekend service in the church's clearest expression of God’s grace and the "communion of saints". Guests in worship are always welcome to receive communion with us because Jesus invites all to this open table. When you come forward to receive, you will be offered a piece of bread ("the body of Christ, given for you") and your choice of small cups of wine or grape juice ("the blood of Christ, shed for you"). Gluten-free wafers or yeast-free wheat wafers are also alternatives upon request. Children of any age may receive communion at their parent's discretion. Those who prefer not to approach the altar for communion may select a pre-filled cup from a basket as they enter the sanctuary.
Our building is completely wheelchair accessible by virtue of ramps between floors. Our 16th Street side entrance leads to our most gradually sloped ramps. (Please let a main-entrance greeter know if you need access to this door so we can make sure it’s unlocked for you.) Although our sanctuary seating is on a slope, several rows of pews are level as you enter the back of the sanctuary. Large-print bulletins are available in binder-folders from an usher. Our sound system amplifies our leaders and choir to assist the hearing-impaired.
Online Worship
We live stream our 9 AM worship service on Sunday mornings - as well as on special holidays/events in the church. View our most recent worship service in the video player below, or listen to the gospel/sermon via our podcast.
Online Worship Service
Sunday, January 12, 2025